Aircraft pushback / with towbar - Skills maintenance
Skills maintenance
Target audience / relevant staff
Confirmed ground staff responsible for aircraft pushback using a towbar tractor.
Update knowledge on how to drive and use a push tractor with towbar in compliance with safety rules.
- Update operational skills for the pushback of an aircraft with a tow bar: Role and responsibilities, Safety rules related to the aircraft, Safe use of equipment.
- Reminder of specific static and dynamic checks.
- Principles of implementation of aircraft pushback.
- Emergency procedures.
Training course based on the IATA Standards in the Airport Handling Manual (AHM) and IATA Ground Handling Manual (IGOM).
Aucune formation, nous contacter.
Duration indicative basis
7 hrs / 1 day
Aircraft Pushback / with Towbar - Initial training
- Practical training carried out in the context of departure operations using the machine and associated equipment.
- A qualified and experienced trainer provides the training action.
- Practice : Skills Assessment Sheet (minimum 80% of required positive points).
Maximum 3 years (IATA / AHM 1110).