Dangerous Goods - Cat. 12 - Initial or Recurrent
Security staff, Security Screeners, Security Supervisors
Initial training, Skills maintenance
Target audience / relevant staff
Security staff who deal with the screening of passenger and crew, and their baggage, cargo and mail, e.g. security screeners, their supervisors and staff involved in implementing security procedures.
Acquire or update the regulatory knowledge regarding dangerous goods related to the activities of staff in charge of screening passengers, baggage and air cargo.
- Content fully adapted to the staff's category concerned:
- Purpose of the DG Regulations and general principles.
- Applicability.
- Limitations, Hidden dangerous goods.
- Provisions for Dangerous Goods carried by Passengers or Crew.
- Classification.
- Identification and recognition of undeclared DG.
- Inspection
- Marking and Labelling.
- Emergency Procedures.
Aucune formation, nous contacter.
Duration indicative basis
4 heures.
Pour un recyclage : formation initiale Marchandises Dangereuses catégorie 12 datant de moins de deux ans.
- Formation théorique en salle.
- L’action de formation est assurée par un formateur qualifié et expérimenté.
- Theoretical : Test écrit de validation (minimum 80 % de bonnes réponses requis).
Maximum 2 ans (IATA / Dangerous Goods Regulations).